~ Sensing ~ Connecting ~ Moving ~
Join Anne Green Gilbert and Dionne Kamara (2 week Foundational Course) and Terry Goetz and Anna Mansbridge (1 week Refresher Course) and guest faculty as they share the philosophy of brain-compatible teaching and the power of the BrainDance. Through movement and discussion, participants experience sample lessons based on Anne Green Gilbert's patently successful five-part conceptual lesson plan and the brain-compatible principles that underpin it. Discover how incorporating these principles into your teaching and workplace can positively affect class management, behavior, learning, and focus. A wide variety of afternoon workshops will extend participants’ knowledge and experience.
Celebrating 25 years of SDIT in 2019, the Institute is designed for educators, dance teachers, arts specialists, and therapists who wish to understand the vital link between movement and cognition. Gain confidence in how to combine the mastery of movement with the artistry of expression. Explore cutting edge dance pedagogy and best practices in the ever-evolving laboratory of SDIT. Participants leave renewed and ready to incorporate movement into the lives of their students.
Summer Dance Institute for Teachers is designed to: increase understanding and application of brain-compatible teaching methods and BrainDance;
focus on National Dance Standards and State Essential Academic Learning Requirements;
present kinesthetic activities that will increase academic learning and integrate body and mind;
offer management techniques guaranteed to create a collaborative and positive atmosphere;
strengthen modern dance and choreographic skills;
extend dance knowledge and experience through a wide variety of afternoon workshops;
provide opportunities for networking and rejuvenation!
allow participants to take CDC classes at no cost in the evenings and observe Summer Session classes on Saturday